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JF Badier Digital Web Entrepreneur

JF Badier Digital Web Entrepreneur

#PapyBoomerActif #PapyBoomersActifs Depuis plusieurs années je génère des revenus passifs, et aussi je développe des réseaux de partenaires et pour les aider à gagner plus. Ceci me permet de rebondir sur mes activités financières que j'ai toujours continué à exercer à travers différents projets, que je vais vous dévoiler dans mes prochains posts. Sur des sujets en lien avec l'argent, la crypto et les nouvelles technologies. Je vous propose mes 5 bons plans d'investissement Apprendre-Pratiquer-Gagner. Vivre vieux, riche et en bonne santé.

Be Free Not Rich, what is the financial freedom?

Publié par Jean-Francois Badier sur 4 Avril 2016, 14:39pm

Catégories : #marketing de réseau, #money, #financial training, #sfi, #tripleclick, #jeunesse globale

Be Free Not Rich, what is the financial freedom?

I receive pertinent information from The Rich Dad Compagny, I share this, because all content make sense with financial education.

Have you ever seen people who have financial freedom and thought to yourself, “I want to live like that too?” For many, the picture of financial freedom looks like someone who spends what they want when they want. We assume that they sleep on a bed of $100 bills without a care in the world.

Is financial freedom what most of us imagine?

There Are A Lot Of Broke, Rich People
By broke, we mean this person lives large paycheck to large paycheck. If they don’t have their next “job” lined up they risk losing everything. A lot of celebrities can be described this way.

Over the years some of the highest paid celebrities file bankruptcy after the height of their career. Scan the Internet and you’ll find stories of broke lottery winners too. Those people have beaten the odds of winning only to squander it away a few short years later.

Financial Freedom Is Much More Than Having Money
The first thing to realize is that financial freedom is more about your mindset about money than having money. Freedom is so many things to different people. Freedom is the ability to do what you really want in life. It’s freedom from stress. It’s freedom from fear.

Financial freedom does not come easily. Achieving freedom is possible but the only person who can achieve it is you. Are you willing to put in the effort?

Be Free, Not Rich
You can take control of your situation, no matter what it is, and enjoy financial freedom. To avoid becoming a broke, rich person, you must first take financial matters into your own hands. Determine exactly where you want to go, and increase your financial IQ.

Simple things like opening a book, reading financial information available online, attending events, or finding a mentor are just a few examples of how you can start your financial education. Just get started.

This is what makes Rich Dad different.

The Rich Dad Company

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